Many people have the misconception that staying fit on vacation is impossible, but it's actually easier than you might think.
Here are 5 easy tips on how to stay fit while traveling!
Bring Your Workout Clothes With You

No one likes to work out in clothes they don't want to be seen in, and if you're like me, then your workout gear is pretty much the only thing that will fit.
So make sure you pack it well before departure!
Your favorite workout gear makes it more likely that you'll work out.
Seriously, bring what you need to be comfortable and enjoy your workout.
Barebones workout clothes list includes:
- a pair of shorts
- sports bra if you're a lady (many times, this can be worn as a regular shirt)
- pair of comfortable shoes
Stay Hydrated

Getting up early and going for a jog before breakfast is the perfect way to kick off your day, but it's also important that you stay hydrated.
The problem with traveling is that we're often too busy exploring our surroundings or sightseeing to take care of ourselves properly!
Make sure to drink at least two-three liters of water per day on vacation.
It's easy to forget to stay hydrated, especially when you're out exploring a new place.
If you don't want to lug around your own water bottle all day, make sure that any place of importance (like museums or monuments) has public drinking fountains available for free use.
Water is especially important if you're having an active vacation, like hiking or playing sports.
Find An Activity That Gets Your Heart Rate Going

As you're exploring, don't forget to find something active to do.
Rock-climbing, swimming, and even just walking around town can all get your blood pumping!
It's also a great way for family members with different levels of fitness or interests in common activities to find something to do together.
Find a locally-owned activity center that will give you the best experience for your money, and don't let language barriers stop you from having fun!
If all else fails…make sure there's at least one good restaurant on the premises of where you're staying (and bring snacks).
You'll thank me later.
Pack Healthy Snacks

This is especially important for people who are following a strict diet or don't have the time, money, or willpower to cook their own food while they're on vacation.
I always bring my favorite protein bars and fresh fruit so I can sustain myself without feeling like I'm depriving myself.
Consider bringing foods that are high in protein and low-calorie:
- Fruit is the best healthy snack because it's so easy to carry around, but don't forget about vegetables! Carrots, cucumbers, or any other crunchy veggie will do just fine as a snack for your travels
- Protein bars are great for a quick meal while you're on the go, but they can get expensive. If you don't mind spending more money, then try to take some protein powders or healthy snacks from home with you as well
- Healthy nuts like pistachios and almonds are always a good choice because of their high protein and low-calorie count
Workout In Your Hotel Room If You Have To

Many hotels have workout rooms available, but if you don't feel like shelling out the money just to exercise in a cramped room with equipment that's probably older than you are…you can always do your own thing.
No one will judge!
To keep it simple, try doing exercises such as squats or lunges while traveling and see how many rounds you can do in a row.
Or, if want to get your heart rate going ASAP, try taking the stairs instead of an elevator and walk as much as possible!
If you're too tired or have no time for exercise at all…feel free to take it easy for one day before getting back on track with healthy habits tomorrow.