5 Best HIIT Exercises: Ranked and Explained

By Adam Green

High Intensity Interval Training Workout Indoors

HIIT exercises are the best way to get in shape, lose weight, and improve cardiovascular health.

These five HIIT exercises will help you achieve all three of those goals!

#1 Jumping Jacks

Jumping jacks are a very simple way to get your heart rate up.

Stand with feet together, hands in fists at sides of the thighs, and jump out into an exaggerated jumping jack position so that arms go above head as high as possible while simultaneously hopping off two toes onto one foot.

Land back on both feet and repeat for desired number of repetitions.

#2 Mountain Climbers

This exercise will work your abs, glutes, and quads in a very short time frame!

Start with hands on the ground at shoulder-width apart.

Keep toes curled under to protect knees as you walk feet up towards your hands so they are now even with upper body or higher depending on fitness level.

Keep elbows close to the body and look down towards hands.

Mountain climbers are a great way to get your heart rate up as well as work muscles you might not usually hit in an average, lower-intensity workout session!

#3 Squats

A squat is considered one of the best exercises for weight loss because it simultaneously works so many different muscle groups.

Start by standing with feet shoulder-width apart and toes pointed out slightly so knees do not roll inwards.

With hands on the hips, exhale as you squat down to form a 90-degree angle between legs and torso while keeping your spine straight and head up.

Push through heels of shoes to stand back up into starting position.

Squats are a great exercise to do for weight loss, because they work so many different muscles at once!

#4 Push-Ups

The push-up is one of the best bodyweight exercises you can do.

It works your chest and triceps, as well as engages abs and core in order to keep the spine straight during the movement.

Start by getting into a plank position on your hands and feet, with the back straight.

While keeping elbows in close to the body, lower down onto one or both of them as you would for a regular push-up.

Push up again until arms are fully extended and repeat.

#5 Burpees

A burpee is considered one of the best exercises for weight loss because it simultaneously works so many different muscle groups.

Start by standing with feet shoulder-width apart and toes pointed out slightly so knees do not roll inwards.

With hands on the hips, exhale as you squat down to form a 90-degree angle between legs and torso while keeping your spine straight and head up.

Push through heels of shoes to stand back up into starting position.

Lower down into a squat, placing hands on floor or as close to the ground as possible with fingertips pointed out towards feet; jump feet backwards so that they are now behind you and push off from the ground explosively using both arms and legs in order to get your body into an upright standing position.

Burpees are a great exercise to do for weight loss because, just like squats, they work so many different muscles at once!

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